IT83 Infrarood thermometer

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Use the IT83 Infrarood thermometer laser to measure surface temperature and watch the LCD immediately display accurate data without the use of a probe.

- Compressor heads
- Vents
- Hot and cold areas in insulation
- Leaks around cooler or freezer doors
- Leaks around windows
- Steam traps
- Registers
- Cables
- Circuit breakers
- Connections
- Machinery
- Motors
- Transformers
- Grill & surface temperatures
- Holding cabinets
- Serving temperatures
- Storage temperatures

  • Easy to use single button operation
  • Visible Laser
  • 0.1 resolution for best reading
  • Last reading hold
  • Soft carrying pouch
  • 8:1 distance to spot ratio
  • Large, easy to read display
  • ºC and ºF selectable
  • Temperature Range:
    - -31ºF to 999ºF
    - (-35ºC to 537ºC)
Temperature Range: -35 to 537°C (-31 to 999 °F)
Accuracy: ±2% of reading, or ±2ºC or 3ºF, whichever is greater
Repeatability: ±2% of reading, or ±2ºC, whichever is greater
Response Time: 500m response
Spectral Response: 7µm ~ 14µm
Emmisivity: Fixed: 0.95
Distance to Spot Size: 8:1
Display Resolution: -35ºC to 299.9ºC : 0.1ºC (0.1ºF) 300ºC to 560ºC : 1ºC (1ºF)
Display Hold:  Last reading display for 7 sec.
Laser: Visible
Low Battery Detection:  Yes
Relative Humidity: 10% ~ 95%
Operating Temperature: 0ºC ~ 50ºC 
Storage Temperature: -25ºC ~ 70ºC without battery
Power: 9V Alkaline or NiCd battery
Dimension:  155mm x 127mm x 35mm
Weight: 200gram (7oz)
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE

IT83 Infrarood thermometer laser -35/537°C
Heuptas met riemlus
GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing


KO10 Instrumentkoffer medium (105 mm)

211,75 € (175,00 € excl VAT) each

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