KF10 TDR en Weerstand kabellengtemeter

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The KF10 is an excellent and highly accurate portable measuring instrument to check problem and distance to events on cable using three testing methods: Metallic Time-Domain Reflectometer(MTDR), Resistance Fault Locator(RFL) and Open mode. It also provides additional three functions, found in DMMs (Digital Multi-Meters): DC voltage measurement, resistance measurement and capacitance measurement. The MTDR shows the continuity of characteristic impedance along the cable under test applying electrical pulses, which is ideal for checking faults (such as complete open & short, partial open & short, loose connection, broken lines, loading coil etc.) on any cables which consist of at least two metallic conductors (such as telephone lines, power lines, UTP networks, CATV or CCTV, lines etc.). The RFL figures out the total length and distance to the insulation resistance reduction point on cables with three metallic conductors. It calculates the distance and insulation resistance with high accuracy. The Open mode calculates the total length or distance to an open circuit of extremely long cables up to 100km. It measures the total capacitance of the cable under test and converts it to distance based on the information about capacitance per unit length of the cable. The KF10 performs all the measurement process automatically and displays the results in the graphic and tabular forms through a color graphic TFT LCD screen with 640x480 pixel resolution. The instrument is designed to make the user determine easily the conditions of the cable being measured. The KF10 is an excellent instrument for the cable installation, maintenance, repair after fault finding regardless of the cable installation environment

  • TDR mode
  • RFL mode
  • Open mode
  • Capacitance measurement
  • DC Voltage measurement
  • Resistance measurement
  • Easy to use, lightweight and compact
  • 6.4" TFT color LCD display
  • RS-232C upload port
  • LCD indicator for battery time
  • Selectable auto-off time
  • Waveform trace and diagnosis
  • Rugged and waterproof packing
  • Optional spare battery for doubling operating time
  • PC software for further analyzing, reporting and printing
  • Metallic cable test instrument:
    - MTDR (Metallic Time-Domain Reflectometer)
    - RFL (Resistance Fault Locator)
    - Open Mode
    - Measuring DC voltage & resistance & capacitance
MTDR Mode  
Measurement range:  3.2m ~ 20,000m for Coax
(Maximum testable cable length will vary with pulse width and cable type)
Maximum display resolution: 10cm (variable up to 50m)
Accuracy: 0.1% +/-0.1m of reading for Coax
(Accuracy will vary with VOP of cable being tested)
Test mode: L1, L1&M, L1-M, M
Pulse width: 5ns, 15ns, 45ns, 100ns, 200ns, 500ns, 1µ, 2µ, 5µ, 10µ
Maximum storage capacity: 100 waveforms
Output impedance: Automatic output impedance control of 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150Ω
Input bandwidth: 300MHz
Effective sampling rate: 1GS/s
Gain: 0 to 66dB or better, maximum sensitivity 1mV (full scale)
Screen update rate: Maximum 3 times per second
VOP (PVF): Variable from 30.0 to 99.9% (in 0.1% step)
  V : 90 to 300m/µ
  V/2 : 45 to 150m/µ
RFL Mode  
Maximum loop resistance: 10Ω
Loop resistance resolution: 1Ω
Maximum insulation resistance: 20MΩ
Insulation resistance resolution: 10KΩ
Insulation resistance accuracy: 5%
Distance accuracy: 1%
Distance resolution: 1m
Open Mode(Capacitance Measurement)  
Maximum capacitance: 20µF
Accuracy: Range                                        Accuracy
  up to 10nF:                               +/-3% +/-100pF
  up to 1µF:                                  +/-5%
  up to 20µF:                                +/-10%
Distance resolution: 1m
Voltage Measurement  
Current type: DC
Maximum voltage: 300V DC
Accuracy: Range                                       Accuracy
  up to 10V:                                 +/-1% +/- 0.5V
  up to 50V:                                 +/-2%
  up to 300V:                               +/-3%
Resistance Measurement  
Maximum resistance: 100MΩ
Accuracy: Range                                      Accuracy
  up to 10kΩ:                             +/-1%+/- 5Ω
  up to 100kΩ:                           +/-1%
  up to 1MΩ:                               +/-3%
  up to 10MΩ:                            +/-5%
  up to 100MΩ:                           +/-5%
General Specifications:  
Display type: 6.4" Color TFT LCD
Internal memory: 2MB
Communication port: RS-232C compatible (1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and 38,400 baud rate)
Storage temperature: -20°C ~ 70°C
Operating temperature: -10°C ~ 50°C
Relative humidity: <95%
Power supply: 7.6V Li-ion chargeable battery pack 8,800mAh / AC adapter
Battery life: 7 hours (extendable up to 14 hours by using optional spare battery)
Recharging time: 7 hours
Dimensions: 267mm x 247mm x 127mm
Weight: 2.7kg
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- KF10 TDR en Weerstand kabellengtemeter
- GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing
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