AAJ1 Signaal sterkte meter 3 MHz - 5 GHz

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The AAJ1 is a quality instrument that detects and displays RF (Radio Frequency) signal levels with uniquely high sensitivity, similar to a broadband receiver. It provides Linear and Logarithmic measurements of RF signals over a broad span of frequencies. The AAJ1 allows the user to detect and measure signal strength and to distinguish between analog and digital transmissions.

  • Fixed internal antennas requiring no adjusting
  • Uses 2 AA alkaline batteries
  • A 3 MHz to 5 GHz bandwidth
  • Audio outputs for AM detection and hearing signal strength levels
  • A switch enabled silent vibrator
  • Differentiation between Digital and Analog signal
A. Initial Settings
Initial conditions of the AAJ1 should be with the LOG-LINEAR switch in the LINEAR mode, the Vibrator switch turned OFF, and the Analog-Digital switch in the Digital position. Turn on the AAJ1 by rotating the OFF-SENSITIVITY control to the right.

B. Setting the Baseline, Ambient Signal Level
Initially switch to the LINEAR mode for long distance detection of weak RF signals.
Rotate the OFF-SENSITIVITY control from low to high to adjust the sensitivity of the instrument so that the ambient, baseline RF Signal level reads between 10 to 40 on the meter scale. This is a measure of the baseline signal level at that particular location. C. Using the Different Amplification Modes
A detected weak signals will present as an increase above the ambient signal level reading in the LINEAR mode. The far-away weakest signals are detected here.
The MID mode is used for detection and measurement of moderate signal levels.
Switch to LOG mode for localizing and pinpointing the signal source when the transmitted signal reading is too high on the meter scale in the LINEAR and MID modes. The signal source is localized exactly in the LOG mode without overwhelming the meter capabilities. D. Localization
Generally, to determine the location of a transmitting device, move in the direction which increases the signal strength on the AAJ1. As the signal strength increases and the meter reading becomes maximized, switch from LINEAR to MID mode and finally to LOG mode to get to a readable part of the meter scale. The highest reading in the LOG mode is just adjacent to the signal source. E. Silent VIibrator Mode
The silent vibrator is used when it is difficult to view the displays or when it is desirable not to be noticed when monitoring the RF signal strength. Once a threshold level is exceeded the vibrator turns on and operates in a pulsating manner. The strength of the vibrations increases with an increase in RF field strength, making it easier to locate the signal source without viewing the display. F. Abalog – Digital Modes
A continuously broadcasting signal can be measured in either the Analog or Digital modes. When the signal is digital (i.e., it is pulsed on and off at a rapid rate), it gives a relatively low reading in the Analog mode, but measures accurately higher in the Digital mode. This is due to the pulsing of the RF signal. If the signal is rapidly pulsed on and off, the meter display will register an average signal reading of the on and off pulse times in the Analog mode. In Digital mode the pulses are detected as peak-signals which register a higher reading than the average of on and off pulses measured in the Analog mode.

Sensitivity: 70 uV (microvolts)
Bandwidth: < 3 MHz to > 5 GHz
Sensitivity Controller: 20 dB, (10 to 1) signal control range
  Detection Modes: LINEAR for far-field detection of the weakest signals, 10 dB dynamic signal range
  LOG for near-field localization without overloading, 60 dB dynamic range
MID for intermediate detection and localization, 25 dB dynamic signal range
Analog Mode: Detecting and measuring continuously transmitted signals
Digital Mode: Detecting, identifying and measuring digitally pulsed signals
Silent Vibrator: Intensity modulated, switch enabled vibrator for mid to high signal levels
Analog Meter Display: Visual indication of changes and levels of RF signals
LED Display:
Gradually dimming and enhanced LED lighting depending upon detected signal strength
  Green LED - Maximum at low signal levels - dims as signal strength increases
  Red LED – Unlit at low signal levels – gradually changes from dim to bright as signal level gets stronger
  Simultaneous lit Green and Red LEDs due to Digital Signals with rapid on/off switching
Power supply: 2 AA Alkaline batteries
Battery Life: Approximately 80 hours
Dimensions: 5.6 cm wide x 13 cm high x 3.1 cm thick
Weight: Less than 150 g. with batteries installed
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- AAJ1 Signaal sterkte meter 3 MHz - 5 GHz
- Plug-in Mini-speaker
- Ear buds with a volume control
- Soft carrying case
- GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing
312,18 € (258,00 € excl VAT) each

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