ID10 Temperatuur -50/395 8xNTC/PTC/PT100

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The ID10 acquisition module transmitt process measurements via RS485 serial links with MODBUS RTU (JBUS) protocol to either a computer based data acquisition system or to the OMS monitoring and recording device. The ID10 accepts up to 4 analog signals such as 0/4.20 mA or 0/2.10 V from temperature, pressure, humidity etc trasmitters. The ID10, further than transmitting the measure of every channel via RS485, it's also able to manage directly the signals of high and low alarm for each channel. Each serial connection is capable of handling a maximum of 15 ID10 modules for a total of 60 measurements of various quantities. Each module includes 4 digital inputs for free voltage contacts and one relay output. The digital inputs can be used to transmit, to the supervision system, information about local devices of the plant as for instance status of protection devices, open doors, lights, etc.. The relay output can be used for a local high or low alarm, via serial line or programmino the ID10 itself, or can be controlled based on the status of a digital input.

Installation: On OMEGA DIN rail
Connections: 2,5 mm2 screw terminal block
Power supply: 24, 110, 230 VAC +/- 10%
AC Frequency: 50 / 60 Hz
Consumption: 3 VA max. approx.
Input modules data: 8 Inputs for probes PTC, NTC or PT1000
  4 Digital inputs
Inputs impedance: 0/4.20 mA: 66 Ω
  0/2.10 V: 120 KΩ
Relay output: 1 relay SPST-NO (5A-AC1, 2A-AC3 / 250 VAC)
Electrical life for relay output:  100000 oper.
Measurement range:  350 points
Overall accuracy: +/-0,5% fs
Sampling rate: 2 sample per second
Type of serial interface: RS485 insulated
Communication protocol: MODBUS RTU (JBUS)
Baud rate: Programmable from 1200 . 38400 baud
Operating temperature: 0 ... 55°C
Operating humidity: 30 ... 95 RH% without condensation
Housing: Self-extinguishing plastic UL 94 V0
Dimensions: 4 DIN Modules 70x85 mm, depht 61 mm
Weight: 210 gram approx.
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- ID10 Temperatuur -50/395 8xNTC/PTC/PT100
- GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing
- NT10 NTC Temp opnemer - 40/+150 1,5m
- NT11 NTC Temp opnemer - 40/+150 1,5m
- NT12 NTC Temp opnemer als PTC opnemer
- PT09 PTC temp opnemer -50/+80 2m
- PT10 PTC Temperatuur sensor -50/+140
- PT12 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+80 1,5m
- PT13 PTC Temperatuur opnemer -50/+80 1,5m vl
- PT14 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+150 2m
- PT15 PTC Temperatuur opnemer -50/+140 2m vl
- PT16 PTC Temp opnemer 5/+70 2m
- PT17 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+80 2m
- PT18 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+150 2m
- PT19 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+150 2m
- PT20 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+140 2m
- PT21 PTC Temp opnemer -50/+140 2m
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